Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tough Truth Tuesday-If I wanted to...

If I wanted to, I could help make this church the most wide-awake and working church in the entire world.
If I wanted to, I could visit members who are sick or homebound and find other ways of helping them.
If I wanted to, I could attend Bible classes regularly and encourage others to do the same.
If I wanted to, I could show more devotion in worship and receive much more good from the service myself.
If I wanted to, I could profit more from the sermon by not resenting the truth when it reveals some of my weaknesses.
If I wanted to, I could tell others about Christ and His church and lead them to Him.
But this all depends on what I want to do. I could be an honored servant of the King.
I have the ability-if I really wanted to. 

How often do we get inspired and motivated during church services, surrounded by our brothers and sisters in Christ but then go home and back to being busy with everyday life? In our free time we find ourselves settling into our comfortable couch or favorite recliner, flipping on the TV or reading a book and all of our good intentions remain just that, intentions. We meant to send a card to that brother they mentioned having surgery this week. We meant to take food to the family that recently lost a loved one. We meant to send one of our sisters a birthday card, just to let her know we thought about her. We meant to, but we didn’t.

Don’t misunderstand, I don’t think there is anything wrong with relaxing at home and sometimes I even try to justify it by saying well, there are many far worse things that I could be doing. But in reality I am guilty of letting my selfishness and laziness prevent me from doing what I should and are able to as a Christian. We live in a very wealthy country; not only wealthy as far as the money we have but wealthy in conveniences. With a few clicks on our computers or even some of our phones we can access a wealth of information on almost anything you can think of. With all the conveniences of our world it saddens me to think that we are more reluctant to be servants of the King than first century Christians. We know that the first century Christians spread the gospel throughout the entire world -Col. 1:23. In Acts 17:6 the Christians were accused of turning the world upside down. There is no doubt in our minds that first century Christians made a difference in the world. Amazingly they were able to do this without the modern conveniences we enjoy. How, you may wonder? They had a love for the Lord. They wanted to share with the world what he did for them and what he could do for everyone. Now back to us, we love the Lord. We profess to any way. If we truly love Him and keep His commandments, why are we not better servants of His? It comes down to priorities and attitudes. We can do anything we set our minds to.

“I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me.”
Philippians 4:13
You can do many things for the Lord, if you want to.

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