Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tough Truth Tuesday-Going Forward by Going Backward

Recently, the was statement made that, “Many years ago there was a closeness among neighbors. If you needed a cup of sugar or flour you walked next door to get it. Now we have an every-man-for-himself attitude. We need to go back to that closeness.” The society we live in is a major contributor of this attitude and it has trickled down into the church to the point that as Christians, we are often guilty of almost finding the “one another commands” a foreign concept.

                  The question arises, can we once again become a society that knows and cares about their neighbors? And, if so, how? How do we move forward? We move forward by going backward. We constantly hear about new things. Everyone wants to know what the latest thing is. Anything that is more recent than something else is assumed to be better. That may be true in the things that men make: cars, airplanes, and so on. It is not true in the things God makes. When God makes something, he makes it perfect from the beginning. There has been no improvement upon God’s sunshine or rain, or seasons, or the productivity of the ground. When God makes something, He makes it right, and so it is in the realm of religion. There has been no finer system of this or morals than you find in Christianity. Nobody has improved on the example of Jesus. Hence, I believe it follows that no one has ever, or ever will, improve on Christ’s church. God makes things right. There is perfection in what God does. The essential need of our time is that all of us simply take a step backward, for that is the only way we can go forward. When we return to the Bible, speaking where scriptures speak and being silent where they are silent, develop a loyalty to what God says above anything that anyone else may say, when we have a “thus saith the Lord, thy servant heareth,” then we are on the road which God would have us travel.

                  So we start at home. By home, I mean our church home. We begin with our local congregation and we put into practice those “one another commands.” We motivate one another toward love (Heb. 10:24) and push each other toward salvation. Toward a faithful life. Toward Christ.

“And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.”

Hebrews 10:24-25

Monday, October 21, 2013

Mention Worthy Monday (Quotes Edition)

“We need to be people of prayer. Things happen when we pray.”

-Carl Dunlap

“Remember, you never fail until you quit.”

-Ken Tyler

“Jesus will be everything to us when we realize we were everything to Him.”

– Dan Winkler

“Fellowship is joint participation in the Lord’s work- 1 John 1:7.”

-Bill Cantrell

“The first time you quit, it’s hard. The second time, it gets easier. The third time, you don’t even have to think about it.”

-Bear Bryant

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tough Truth Tuesday - It's Time to Wake Up, Parents.

A friend shared this via Facebook and I thought it was worthy of reposting.

"I am saddened by children who are not made to obey simple commands like, “Come here.” I am sad when parents call their children ugly names like “little fool.” I am sad when parents are paralyzed by the wild behavior of their children. I am sad when I see parents so busy giving children what they didn’t have, that they don’t give them things they did have (which were much more precious)! I am sad when I see parents taking their children to worship, but neglecting to give any Bible training at home. I am sad when parents care more about their children’s physical appearance than how their heart appears to God. I am sad when parents are more interested in homework from school than in ‘heartwork’ from the Word. And I am so sad when we spend more time at the ball field than on the battlefield for Christ. It makes me so sad to see parents who are much more concerned with what goes into their children’s mouths than what comes out of them. I am afraid that the prince of this world has managed to confuse many parents about what is truly important. The effect of this may only be realized on the day of judgment. I pray that the Lord will open the eyes and hearts of young parents and give them the courage and the backbone to be parents whose children will glorify God!"

- Sheila Butt


Monday, October 14, 2013

Mention-Worthy Monday - New & Noteworthy (book review ed.)

Overcoming the World In 9 Innings (Winning the Game of Life God’s Way) by Ben Stevenson

9 Innings: a game plan for life, but in terms of baseball. I admit I was a bit nervous at the beginning of this book. Sports is not my strongest subject and I worried that while this was a worthwhile read, it might be over my head. I am happy to report that even with my somewhat standard knowledge of baseball, this book has left me with countless lessons and advice.

While, this book offers something for everyone, I would especially recommend this for young people. Ben does a great job of laying out the “game plan” that, we as Christians need to follow and he does so in a way that is straightforward and easily understood. This is a relatively short book, yet filled with memorable quotes. I feel so blessed to call this author a brother-in-Christ (as well as a life-long friend) and I urge you to order a copy or pick one up from the Mars Hill bookstore in Florence, Alabama. Trust me when I say it will most definitely by worth your time.

I love to share some of my favorite portions of my reads, not to take anything away from the author, but because I feel it is just enough of a glimpse to perk your interest and because their words are always much better than my own.

“When we first become new Christians or after some big event like a revival, lectureship or church camp we get pumped up about living the right Christian life and hold ourselves accountable for the things that we do and do not do day to day. However, over time, when we are back around the world everyday we lose our luster somewhat and fall right back to doing the same old things the way we see fit.”

“We can have a laundry list full of goals and tell everyone what our goals are, but it is only when we get our priorities straight that we will really begin to see our goals achieved.”

“There are so many kids who want to be the starting quarterback or running back, but are built to be an offensive lineman. Not everyone can play the star positions, but that does not mean that their job is any less important.”

“Figure out your talent, use your talent, know your role, and help the church grow.”

“Too often, we lose all humility when we feel we have accomplished something great and we need to let everyone know about it…loudly.”

“A humble person shows his humility through his actions, not just his words.”

“We have to understand our purpose and understand that there is no greater purpose in the entire world than that of serving God and letting His light shine through us.”

“The choice of eternity leaves us with two options. Something to keep in mind-if earth was the place to be, Jesus would have stayed.”

Friday, October 11, 2013

Fill-Your-Cup Friday - Blessed With An Overflowing Cup

                  If you own just one Bible, you are abundantly blessed. One third of the world does not have access to even one. If you woke up this morning with more health than illness, you are more blessed than the million who will not survive this week. If you have never experienced the danger of battle, or the agony of torture or the pangs of starvation, you are ahead of 500 million people in the world. If you can attend a church meeting without fear of harassment, arrest, torture, or death, you are more blessed that three billion people in the world. If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof over your head, and a place to sleep, you are richer than seventy-five percent of this world. If you have money in the bank, in your wallet and spare change in a dish someplace, you are among the top eight percent of the world’s wealth. If your parents are still married and alive, you are very rare, even in the United States. If you can hold up your head with a smile on your face and are truly thankful, you are blessed because the majority can, but most do not. If you can hold someone’s hand, hug them, or even touch them on the shoulder, you are blessed because you can offer God’s healing touch. If you prayed yesterday and today, you are in the minority because you believe in God’s willingness to hear and answered prayer. If you believe in Jesus as the Son of God, you are part of a small minority in the world. If you can read this message you are more blessed than over two million people in the world that cannot read anything at all.


                  I’ve heard a great deal of complaints directed at the government lately. Am I concerned? Absolutely. Are they and the decisions they are making in my prayers? Without question! But do complaints accomplish anything? Hardly. Is this furlough cause for concern and complaint? Not for those of us who are Christians. God is in control. He is always in control. To say that we are blessed is an understatement. I think we need to be reminded that things could always be worse and are worse for someone else. My cup runneth over. How about yours?

Traditional Thursday - Soak Up Some Mountain

“To find the universal elements enough; to find the air and the water exhilarating; to be refreshed by a morning walk or an evening saunter; to be thrilled by the stars at night; to be elated over a bird’s nest or a wildflower in spring – these are some of the rewards of the simple life.”

 -John Burrough
photo taken in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park
Cades Cove 2010
"There is a way that nature speaks, that land speaks. Most of the time we are simply not patient enough, quiet enough to pay attention to the story.”
-Linda Hogan

Work-To-Do-Wednesday-Easy Evangelism & Benevolence Ideas #1

“So then, as we have opportunity, let us work that which is good toward all men, and especially toward them that are of the household of the faith.”
Galatians 6:10 KJV

If you missed your congregation’s sign up list to prepare meals for those in need, drop off some snacks such as sausage balls, banana bread or fresh fruit. Many times families dealing with these life-changing events don’t really sit down to a meal but they will snack when they feel like it. When my grandmother passed away, a dear sister brought our family a loaf of blueberry bread for breakfast the day of the burial and another congregation left a tray of lunchmeats, cheese and crackers in the break room of the funeral home since the visitation was in the evening. When my grandfather had surgery, a precious friend brought a bag of BBQ and fixins' for sandwiches to the waiting room. Another brought a basket full of goodies, such as peanut butter crackers, small candy bars and peanuts. Their thoughtfulness touches me to this day.
(If those you are taking this too are not members of the Lord's church, include a couple of tracts with information about it and business cards with the local congregation's contact information.)

“Everything the local congregation does should be evangelistically oriented, for our real goal is the souls of men and women.”
-Ira North in Balance

Tough Truth Tuesday

Monday, October 7, 2013

Mention Worthy Monday (Link Edition)

The Unsung Heroes of Small Town Churches - October is Minister appreciation month & Chris Clevenger does a great job reminding us to remember the unsung heroes of the Lord's church.

Why I Don't Have a Full-time Job (& why that's okay) - To say that Hannah Giselbach is a talented writer is a gross understatement. She has a way of speaking the truth in a loving, practical and humorous way. I cannot say enough good things about this particular article. I echo her sentiments and pray that more young ladies will follow this path.

Is the Day of the Gospel Meeting Over? - I am finding that too often Christians complain that church activities are not attended because there is a lack of interest. I agree. There is a lack of interest, but it is on OUR part. How can we expect those outside the church to show interest in the truth when our priorities are elsewhere? Maybe it's time we take a good, long look in the mirror.

Finding Margin in My Life - Sometimes we have to say no. It's okay and it's not something we should feel guilty about. It all goes back to proirities.

Shelter in the Storm - It can become difficult to be in this world and not a part of it, yet that is exactly how it is for those who are Christians. I tend to agree more and more with this author, when he says he takes accusations of "sheltering his children" as a complement. A little sheltering won't hurt them. They will have to deal with "storm" soon enough.

Is Public School an Option? - Let me state my disclaimer here and say that I am in no way saying that the type of education you choose for your child is wrong, be it public, private or in the home. I do however, think the choice of education is one we should take very seriously and this article brings to light some of the things currently going on in the public school systems. This situation is also something that we, as Christians, need to diligently be prayerful about.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Traditional Thursday (Recipe Edition)

Sausage Balls
            These are one of the first things I ever learned to cook. I love them because they are so easy to make and they can be served for so many different occasions. These are great to take to a breakfast or brunch. My family loves to find these in the fridge when they’re in need of a snack and they are an absolute must for Saturday football games.


1lb. hot or mild sausage (your preference)

3 ½ cups biscuit mix (I often use Bisquick)

1 8oz. jar of cheese sauce

Combine all ingredients with hands.

Shape loosely into small balls

and bake at 350 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Work-To-Do Wednesday-19 Things We Should Be Doing For One Another

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1.     Love one another (John 13:34-35). We are not only to love one another but to love as God loves us. This means we must sometimes be willing to overlook quirks, shortcomings and weakness. Love suffers long and is kind. Love is not self-indulgent (1 Cor. 13).

2.     Honor one another (Rom. 12:10). Hold each other up with dignity and respect. If all you can do is criticize a brother or sister, there is something wrong with your Christianity.

3.     Give preference to one another (Rom. 12:10). If you would rather be around worldly company than your spiritual family, there is something wrong with your Christianity. The world will draw your interest away, making you more comfortable with them than around your brothers and sisters-don’t let this happen. Remember that our sufficiency is not found in the world but in our Lord (2 Cor. 3:5).

4.     Bear one another’s burdens (Gal. 6:2). There are some things in life we must bear alone, but there are also things we can bear together. We are here to help and serve each other, yet the society we live in often causes this to be a lost concept. Our society’s selfish focus often causes us to seldom give consideration to the problems of others.

5.     Care for one another (1 Cor. 12:25). This is simply not an option. Life can become a very hard burden to bear. Be there for each other.

6.     Have the same mind with one another (Rom. 12:16; 15:5). The mind of Christ.

7.     Edify one another (Rom. 14:19). Build one another up. This does not mean that you strengthen them in whatever state they are in, but rather encourage them to be Christ-like.

8.     Be kind and forgive one another (Eph. 4:32). Kindness can be an outgrowth of forgiveness. Be tender hearted. A tender heart has a forgiving spirit, while a callous heart holds a grudge. We must forgive as Christ forgave us.

9.     Forbear one another (Col. 3:13). Forbearing goes hand-in-hand with forgiving. It’s the easiest thing in the world to lash out and let your emotions run wild; anyone in the world can do that. It takes a special heart to forgive.

10.  Admonish one another (Rom. 15:14). Be qualified and willing to admonish. We must be full of goodness and have the ability to admonish one another with love and knowledge. Push people on to better things!

11.   Warmly greet one another (Rom. 16:16). Kissing is not the accepted greeting of today’s society, but there is nothing wrong with a firm handshake or a warm hug!

12.  Serve one another (Gal. 5:13). We need to be people who put ourselves on the back burner. We are to constantly be meeting the (physical and spiritual) needs of others because we are here to serve (Jam. 1:27; Gal. 6:1; John 13).

13.  Sing with one another in worship (Col. 3:16). Singing is not a formality and is not to be taken lightly. In singing, we teach, admonish and praise.

14.  Comfort and exhort one another (1 Thess. 4:18; Heb. 3:12). Paul wrote to those during the first century who were losing loved ones because of persecution. Paul wrote to encourage them to persevere and to remind them of the good things ahead of us. We, likewise, can remind and encourage each other by talking about what the future holds for us. We are going to a place of no separation or sadness! A place where we can spend eternity with one another and with our Lord! We need to exhort one another daily with these words-not once a week or once a month. We are only given today; encourage while you still have the opportunity.

15.  Pray for one another (Jam. 5 :16). Pray without ceasing.

16.  Attend all services of the church considering our influence on one another (Heb. 10:23-25). Don’t forsake the assembly.

17.  Don’t envy one another (Gal. 5:26). Don’t desire vain glory. Don’t provoke one another. Do things with the right motive and attitude.

18.  Don’t judge one another without the facts (Rom. 14:13). You can judge with righteous judgment, but make sure you have all the facts rather than hearsay when you do so.

19.  Do not lie to one another (Col. 3:9). Always be truthful. White lies are still lies. Partial truths are still lies. Honesty is the best policy.

Our responsibilities go beyond ourselves. We are pushing each other toward salvation. Toward a faithful life. Toward Christ.

-adapted from a lesson preached by Brother Bill Cantrell

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Mention-Worthy Monday

Mom guilt. I'm getting over it. This is one that I need to read repeatedly. Perfectionism is a great thing to strive for but at some point we do need to cut ourselves a break when we've done the best we can.

This Is To You, the Military Wife A reminder that is always needed. Military families sacrifice so much for us, remember them in your prayers today and everyday.

Preparing A Healthy Home for Cold & Flu Season An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Coach Suspends Entire Football Team for Bad Behavior - Applause. Applause. and more applause. There are people out there still trying to teach kids what is really important. Coach Matt Labrum is one of them. We need more coaches (and parents) like this.

Small Congregations Are Good for Your Kids! Don't be discouraged because the congregation is small, it holds unique opportunities for your children.