Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Mention-Worthy Monday

Mom guilt. I'm getting over it. This is one that I need to read repeatedly. Perfectionism is a great thing to strive for but at some point we do need to cut ourselves a break when we've done the best we can.

This Is To You, the Military Wife A reminder that is always needed. Military families sacrifice so much for us, remember them in your prayers today and everyday.

Preparing A Healthy Home for Cold & Flu Season An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Coach Suspends Entire Football Team for Bad Behavior - Applause. Applause. and more applause. There are people out there still trying to teach kids what is really important. Coach Matt Labrum is one of them. We need more coaches (and parents) like this.

Small Congregations Are Good for Your Kids! Don't be discouraged because the congregation is small, it holds unique opportunities for your children.