Monday, October 7, 2013

Mention Worthy Monday (Link Edition)

The Unsung Heroes of Small Town Churches - October is Minister appreciation month & Chris Clevenger does a great job reminding us to remember the unsung heroes of the Lord's church.

Why I Don't Have a Full-time Job (& why that's okay) - To say that Hannah Giselbach is a talented writer is a gross understatement. She has a way of speaking the truth in a loving, practical and humorous way. I cannot say enough good things about this particular article. I echo her sentiments and pray that more young ladies will follow this path.

Is the Day of the Gospel Meeting Over? - I am finding that too often Christians complain that church activities are not attended because there is a lack of interest. I agree. There is a lack of interest, but it is on OUR part. How can we expect those outside the church to show interest in the truth when our priorities are elsewhere? Maybe it's time we take a good, long look in the mirror.

Finding Margin in My Life - Sometimes we have to say no. It's okay and it's not something we should feel guilty about. It all goes back to proirities.

Shelter in the Storm - It can become difficult to be in this world and not a part of it, yet that is exactly how it is for those who are Christians. I tend to agree more and more with this author, when he says he takes accusations of "sheltering his children" as a complement. A little sheltering won't hurt them. They will have to deal with "storm" soon enough.

Is Public School an Option? - Let me state my disclaimer here and say that I am in no way saying that the type of education you choose for your child is wrong, be it public, private or in the home. I do however, think the choice of education is one we should take very seriously and this article brings to light some of the things currently going on in the public school systems. This situation is also something that we, as Christians, need to diligently be prayerful about.