Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Tough Truth Tuesday-What Will They Remember?

What will your children remember about home? Will they remember…
§  That their father and mother loved each other and were kind to each other?
§  That home was a happy place governed by law of love?
§  That each child was treated fairly, deeply loved and required to obey their parents?
§  That Sunday was a happy day they looked forward to when everyone went to Bible study and worship without question?
§  That absolute truth abode therein, no earnest questioner, however young, was put off with evasion?
§  That though father and mother worked hard and long every day, they read the Bible and prayed?
§  That home was a place where friends and friendships were dear, but where truth and right were dearer?

“Our homes are preparatory schools for heaven. Training our children for their destination.”

– Neal Pollard