Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Motivational Monday-Let's Get With It.

         Do you know what the fastest growing religion was in the US in 2012? It wasn’t Christianity. According to this article, Islam is the fastest growing religion in America. How much did the church of Christ grow in 2012 you may ask? According to the Christian Chronicle, the church of Christ is declining, with approximately 102,000 fewer people than 2003. Why is it on the decline? We’ve quit growing because we’ve quit working!
What are you doing right now in service of our Lord? Are you working and serving everyday or are you just professing to love the Lord? The phrase “faith without works” occurs in the book of James three times. Now, in this writer’s opinion, if our Lord took the time to mention something once it is important, but if he mentioned THREE TIMES I really sit up and take notice because this is obviously something that is extremely important. Obviously it is easy to have faith and proclaim to love the Lord, but do you actions show that love? James tells us they must.
To make a list of everything we can do in service of our Lord is beyond my realm of capability, so I will name just three.

1.      Attend! Be supportive by attending worship services and activities of your local congregation. We are not to forsake the assembly (Heb. 10:24-25). You may not always feel like going, but when you spend time with your spiritual family, you will be uplifted and encouraged. If you are feeling down, remember that others cannot read your mind so ask for their prayers and encouragement.

2.    Exhort and encourage! Point number one mentioned, that there may be those among us who need our encouragement (Jude 1:3; Acts 14:21). Recognize their need and uplift them (Heb. 10:25). Pray for them! Obviously, this requires a closeness to one another. It requires us to know what is going on in the lives of our brothers and sisters, so don’t be afraid to share your struggles and accomplishments, but be sure to encourage others to do the same.
§  Send a card to the sick and widowed each month to let them know they are thought of.
§  Visit those who must remain at home and take a basket of goodies to them. Need frugal basket ideas? Check out my Pinterest board here.
§  Prepare and take food to those who have recently lost a loved one or have a new baby (also remember those who adopt or are foster parents-they need help too!)

3.     Teach! This is nonnegotiable (Mark 16:15). We should desire to tell EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON. we come in contact with about the one who can save them-the one who died for them. We need to train our minds to carry this out. How long has it been since you had a personal Bible study with someone? I know what you’re thinking…”No one is interested in hearing about the Savior.” You’re wrong.
§  Place your name & phone number or email in an informational tract. Leave them on the table when you go out to eat, in the waiting room of doctor, dentist & vet offices. Mail them out with the bills you pay. Hand one to the boy who helps you carry out your groceries. Give them to the air conditioner repairman and the pest control inspector when they visit your home.

God told us to sow the seed. Interested souls may be harder to find, but they are out there. We just need a refresher course on finding them.

“Evangelism is not a talent; it’s a command.”
-Steve Higginbotham