Monday, January 27, 2014

Mention Worthy Monday (Links Ed.)

5 Important Financial Resolutions for 2014 - Even though we're wrapping up the first month of this new year, it's not too late to reevaluate your financial situation and resolve to make some improvements where possible. This article includes great reminders of financial goals Christians should keep.

How much should we really be sharing about our children online? I am of the belief that what we share online regarding our children, husbands, wives, parents and even friends should be very little for two basic reasons. First, because of safety. Second, because I respect their privacy. I am all for blogging and sharing real-life stories to encourage and learn from one another, but we should do so with careful (even prayerful) thought.

Why Being A Mom Is Enough - I'm guilty. I try to do it all. Of course I don't succeed because I'm not superwoman and then I allow myself to feel like a failure. We should always be striving to better ourselves, but enough beating ourselves up because our homes don't look like our Pinterest boards. Enough is enough and being a mom is enough.

5 Reminders for Exhausted Christians - Let’s face it, life is exhausting. And sometimes, Christianity can be exhausting too. When we think of all the people who need to be helped, encouraged, taught, and ministered to, it’s no wonder so many Christians are tired.

 Regarding My Wife and Peyton Manning - It's no secret who I will be pulling for this coming Sunday because..."This is Peyton Manning. An extraordinary athlete, no doubt. A focused and determined leader, without question. But most importantly, Peyton Manning is a decent guy. In a day and age of egotists and cheaters and complainers and free-loaders, Peyton Manning is a really decent guy."