Monday, January 13, 2014

Mention Worthy Monday (Link Ed.)

Preacher Killed for Sharing the Gospel - I realize this is not the type of article you prefer to start your day with nevertheless, I felt like it needed to be shared. The blessing of religious freedom that we are able to enjoy in the USA sometimes causes us to forget that this liberty is not enjoyed by many others. While we worry about facing verbal ridicule or becoming a social outcast, others are paying with their very lives.

Preparing the Home for Winter - I recently stumbled upon this site and it has quickly been added to my regular reading list. This particlar post features simple reminders to help keep your home & loved ones warm & cozy through those (seemingly) long winter months. Enjoy and be sure to check out the whole site!

8 Reasons to Live in a Small House - Another site that has quickly become one of my favorites. Look for more links to The Praire Homestead in the future and in the meantime, check out why smaller houses are best.

The Value of a Day - This video is pretty much how the day looks at our house right now. Is it wonderful? Absolutely! Would I trade it for anything? Not. One. Thing. I love being a mom. I love that this is a fairly accurate description of my days.  This is something I have been looking forward to and praying for, yet I still catch myself feeling guilty due to all the things I don’t get done. Reminders like this help me realize I am doing the most important thing right now. 
Motherhood is not a hobby, it is a calling. You do not collect children because you find them cuter than stamps. It is not something to do if you can squeeze the time in. It is what God gave you time for.

 -Elder Neal L. Anderson

I'm Pinterested.  - If you're a Pinterest addict...not something I would know anything will love this cute video. Happy Monday everyone!