Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Teaching On Tuesday-Handprint Blessings

                  We live in a day and age where most people search the Internet for any and everything. We can find the answer to virtually any question on Google, Bing or Yahoo.  We even have smart phones that we can speak to and have a computer search the web for us. I am by no means exempt from this category. So, it will be of little surprise when I tell you that, as a Bible class teacher, I frequently turn to this very source in my preparation. However, I have been greatly disappointed at the lack of resources out there.

                  For this reason, I am introducing a brand new segment (if you will) of the blog dedicated to teaching little ones! Every other Tuesday, I will post a craft, lesson, song, tidbit, etc. pertaining to children’s Bible class. It is my prayer this will be a useful resource for you and I welcome your comments and ideas. ((homegrownsoutherngirl@gmail.com))

Handprint Blessings

                  It is great to encourage older children to send cards on their own. You can help younger children begin this habit by having them sign their name or even decorate their own cards at the beginning or end of class. This is a great practice to even do at home with your children. It serves a two-fold purpose. Discussing who the card will be sent to can help them become better acquainted with members outside their age group. This practice will also help them remember to focus on others.

                  During the “holiday months,” I like to do a themed card, of course if you are working with working with younger children, you will want to have cards prepared for them to simply draw whatever they are able. However, if you are working with older ones, I encourage you to give them some freedom, they have great imaginations and do a great job designing all on their own. Here is what I came up with for the month of November…

                  Help the children trace their hands and color in a turkey. (Although it is not included in the picture, I also wrote a Bible verse pertaining to thankfulness on these cards. I recommend doing this on all your cards as well. We used Psalm 100:4 but there are many more to choose from.) It doesn’t get much simpler than this. It can be done on practically any card and will be loved by everyone!

Happy Thanksgiving!