Monday, July 15, 2013

Mention-Worthy Monday

Simple Ways to Connect With Your Kids When You're Already Tired - When I look at my calendar and see "Monday," I do a mental (okay, sometimes even an audible) sigh. Just the thought of Monday alone makes us tired. It means its time to go back to work and for those of us who are stay-at-home moms, it means we're left to entertain and care for our children on our own...again. While this is a blessing unlike any other, it can be an overwhelming feeling when tiredness seems to take over our bodies and minds, yet our little ones are still going strong (they must be kin to the energizer bunny). So what's a mom to do? Read this article. Let it remind you that the little things are really the big things and you aren't the first one to feel like a "Mombie."

Things I Wish Older Women Would Teach Younger Women (Like Me) - Hannah (Colley) Giselbach recently guest wrote for her husbands blog. If you're familiar with Hannah's previous works, you know it is always worth your time. In this post, she tackles the command in Titus 2:3-5. Ladies, get your pen & paper ready-you'll want to take notes.

New Podcasts - I know I've already recommended Emily's website to you, but it really is something you need to checkout. Doubly exciting is this announcement regarding the Light Network! I cannot stress what a great resource TLN is for Christians.

A Stronger Faith launched a series today on "Growing Closer to God" and I must admit, I'm a little partial to this one, since my husband is the author. Go over and check it out!