Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Tough Truth Tuesday-Saturating Our Homes with Scripture

Recently I listened to a podcast in which the host was reviewing a book. In this book, a friend tells the author that on a recent mission trip, he noticed the furniture centered around the statue of Buddha, in many of the homes he visited. The author ponders the sadness of this idol worship in the comfort of his home later that night and as he looks around his den from the comfort of his recliner, he realizes every piece of furniture in his home (and the majority of American homes) is centered around, (yep, you guessed it) the TV.

            Did I share that story to suggest we rearrange our furniture to purposely face opposite the television? No, of course not. I do not think it is wrong for your furniture to face the TV. It is a matter of practicality; no one wants to sit on the couch and get a crick in his or her neck from straining to see the show they’re watching. However when we make that TV the center of our lives as well as our room, to say it is a problem is an understatement. So as keepers at home, how can we ensure that we keep our focus where it should be? Saturate your home with scripture!
            Growing up, my mom had a framed Bible verse hanging in our hall. I saw that verse over and over. Out of habit, I read it every time I looked at it until I could quote it. I can still quote that verse. God knows that we learn through repetition and for that reason he told the people of Israel to write His commandments on the posts in their homes and on their gates (Deut. 6:4-9). We need to follow their example and remember that Scripture does not only belong in our Bibles. We need to incorporate it into our homes and hearts.

Write a verse on a post-it note and put by your kitchen and bathroom sinks
Make it the center of a wall photo collage
Display it on a small chalkboard and change the verse each week
Type the verse, print it out and place in a picture frame instead of a photo

The possibilities are endless.

Need more ideas and inspirations? My Pinterest page might help you out!