Monday, August 19, 2013

Mention-Worthy Monday (Link edition)

D.V.I.-Satan's New Tool - I believe that discouragement is Satan's greatest weapon against us as Christians and it seems to be running rampant lately. Seems this writer thinks so as well.

Dear Sisters in California, I am so sorry  - The ruling regarding transgender school children has taken us down a scary path, yet Cindy Colley gently reminds us to take heart, because our Lord is still in control.

I Really Wish She Hadn't Said That - This one is a toe-stepper, but it is a must read. (My toes are still sore.)

How Well Do You Manage Your Home? - I cannot say enough good things about this article. God has given us, as ladies the most wonderful job (and one of the most important jobs) in the world, keeping the home. This author does a fantastic job of not only pointing this out, but going on to give simple solutions to better home management.

How To Have A Great Marriage, one day at a time - We can have a great marriage, but in order to do so we must constantly work at it. One. Day. At. A. Time.

World's Longest Yard Sale-Year Two - Because of this writer's blog and Instagram pictures, the WLYS is now on my bucket list. Who's with me?