Monday, August 5, 2013

Mention-Worthy Monday

 After a two-week break, I'm excited to be back with new things to share with you. As always, thank you for your patience with me and for visiting me here!

Cliques in Christ - One on one relationships are fine. We all have those people we relate to better than others but when our worship services become a popularity contest we have real problems. Mrs. Lemus says it best here in her article, "Cliques do not belong in Christ."

Trusting a Little Harder / Unexpected Desires - Apparently I'm not the only one who has dreams and plans that just aren't happening fast enough to suit me. I find that I need to remind myself often I am on God's timetable rather than my own. Learning patience is no easy task but it is encouraging to know it is a struggle we are all battling in one way or another.

So Much To Do... - (3 for 1) Recently, I came across a quote on Pinterest which said, "Men: If you ever wanna know what a woman's mind feels like, imagine a browser with 2,857 tabs open. ALL. THE. TIME." So maybe this is a exaggeration, but is it really isn't that far from the truth? We constantly have many things on our mind that need to be done. Are we complaining? Absolutely not. It is a joy and blessing to wear the many titles we do, but it can be overwhelming. We're striving to be the virtuous woman that we read about in Proverbs 31, but sometimes we wonder if she was actually superwoman in disguise! We become guilty of overbooking ourselves (just like the author of this article-Learning To Say No ) and neglect the very ones we are trying to care of! For this reason, our Lord in His infinite wisdom gave the command in Titus 2, for older women to teach the younger. In an effort to help us find our balance and walk in the footsteps of the Proverbs 31 wife, The Light Network launched a new podcast this month called, Wifey Wednesday. Check it out! Get ready to be encouraged and learn some tips & tricks of the trade to make your job as homemaker run more smoothly!

Exciting News - If you're looking for an interactive blog that will help you in your personal Bible study head over to Seek Spiritual Beauty. Today begins a series of monthly Bible studies in which the writers will study the chosen right along with you and share the lessons they learned at the end of the month. This month's topic? Philippians 1-2. There's a lot of excitement over there and I know they'd love for you to be part of it!