Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tough Truth Tuesday-Being Fruitful (Part I)

That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;
Colossians 1:10

If you’ve ever grown fruits or vegetables, you know it takes a great deal of work. It is not something you can do only when (or if) you remember. It is something that takes time and attention each day. At times it can be frustrating, overwhelming and tiring but the results are usually well worth the effort. The same is true of our job as Christians. Jesus even compared us to branches of a fruit tree in John 15.  He makes it clear that as branches on His tree, we must bear fruit or we will be cut off. Like physical gardening, bearing spiritual fruit is work. It takes a great deal of dedication. It is something we must make time for and focus on.

Daddy hoed the corn
Momma hoed the beans
I hoed the squash and potatoes
And we all helped baby sister
Keep the weeds from the watermelon vines

Today life’s more confusing
With everybody on the go
Everybody’s working in the garden of life
And we’ve all got a row to hoe

-Russ Jeffers singing A Row to Hoe