Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Work-To-Do Wednesday-Developing a Better Attitude

Our attitude is our most important quality. The attitude we have determines what kind of person we are. I feel safe in saying that all of us struggle to have the right attitude from time to time, yet we all should desire to have a good attitude. A good attitude is essential for a proper relationship at home, work, school and in the church. Our attitude affects every single aspect of our lives. So here are five suggestions to help us develop better attitudes.

1.     Think positive. Most people who have bad attitudes are very negative people. There is always something wrong, never anything right. Individuals who fit into this category are usually very unhappy and hard to get along with. A better attitude begins with being a positive, optimistic person. Negativity is a part of life but it not something we can afford to dwell on. Do not allow yourself to become so negative that you cannot function as a child of God.
I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me.”
Philippians 4:13
2.     Learn to cope with failure. We fail, both spiritually and in our day to day activities of life, but how we handle failure will determine what kind of life we have. David and Peter both failed miserably, but neither allowed it to destroy them. Judas did. Jesus told the apostles, “..he that endureth to the end shall be saved” (Matthew 10:22). Endurance is the key.
“If you keep on swinging, sooner or later you are going to connect.”

3.     Keep busy doing things for others. It’s very difficult to have a bad attitude if your focus is continually on others. Individuals who fill their lives doing for others are the most happy people on earth and they are missed when they are gone (Any one remember Dorcas? Acts 9:36).
“…It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Acts 20:35

4.     Don’t let sickness, suffering and death cause you to become bitter. Unfortunately, sickness and death are part of this life and sometimes bad things happen to good people. (It would do us all good to read the book of Job often.) Only a deep abiding faith in God will see us through. May we never forget that our eternal abode is a place free from sickness, suffering and death (Revelation 21:4).

“As we live our lives we either become bitter or better.”

5.     Pray CONSTANTLY that your attitude will be right. God WILL help all of us to have a better attitude. The question is-do we want to change? Are we satisfied with a bad attidue and a miserable life? If we want the right kind of attitude, God WILL help us get it.
“Pray without ceasing.”
1 Thessalonians 5:17

Attitudes are contagious. Is yours worth catching?