Wednesday, August 27, 2014

6 Confessions of an Amateur Blogger

1.     Blogging is not a priority for me. I blog because I see it as an expedient in going into all the world and teaching the gospel (Mark 16:15) and because I enjoy it-most of the time anyway. But blogging is pretty low on the priority list for me. Being a consistent blogger is still on my goal list for this year but I have accepted the fact that this is a goal I may still be striving to achieve next year.
2.     Sometimes I feel like I’m just not doing it right. I know, I know, there is no set standard to blogging, so there is no right or wrong way to do it. Yet I read other blogs and find mine lacking - greatly. I see others’ success at this; even post multiple times a week and I’m astonished! I’m convinced these people have superpowers.
3.     I get blogging blocks. Sometimes I just don’t know what to write. It’s like I don’t know any words. zilch. nada.
4.     I feel like I have nothing to say that is worthy of your time and attention. For this reason you will find I tend to share links and quotes more than original thoughts.
5.     When it feels like a chore to blog, it’s time for me to take a break. Sometimes it ends up being a break that lasts several months-for many of the afore mentioned reasons.
6.     The length of a post can be frustrating. Sometimes a post seems too long and then other times it is far too short. Finding that balance is not always an easy task.

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