Sunday, August 24, 2014

Mentionworthy Monday

Creating A Go-To SPIRITUAL Schedule - Emily Hatfield shares some great tips for single and married ladies alike in this podcast episode. She reminds us that while we may have many other important duties, our spiritual nourishment should always be our focus. To keep our priorities in order, we need a focused yet flexible schedule-fitted to our specific needs of course. Emily shares some things that work for her and will hopefully work for you as well.

The Top 10 Things Moms Do at Target - If you are a mom, you will appreciate this. If you are not yet a mom, read this anyway-you'll still laugh because we know you've seen us doing some of these very things...but beware if you choose to might be a mom one day too.

7 Things You Didn't Know About The Wizard of Oz - I remember being terrified of this movie as a child. That wicked witch of the west and her flying monkeys were just a little too much for me. I am happy to report that while I might sometimes pick the moments that her face fills the screen to refill the drinks or popcorn bowl, I have a much greater appreciation for this classic now.

Whether you are a mom of little ones, a classroom teacher or a Bible class teacher these cute coloring pages would be welcomed additions to your curriculum.

"We have to get back to the Bible. The Doctor has the medicine, but the patients won't take it because it may produce side effects that make me deny myself of things that I want."
- BJ Clarke

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