Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Mrs. Noah - The Woman Without A Monogram

The importance of the role of women in God’s Word cannot be overestimated.
-Cindy Colley

                  The rise and fall of nations can often be traced by studying the rise and fall of womanhood. Why you might ask? The moral fiber of a nation is determined primarily by women. A nation can maintain a moral strength no greater than the homes that make it up, and the home usually rises no higher than the ideals of the woman in it. Equipped with this knowledge, we realize that a heavy responsibility has been placed upon our shoulders-one we cannot afford to take lightly. With this in mind, I have embarked upon a study of women of the Bible. I hope to gain wisdom from a prayerful and careful examination of their troubles and trials along with their victories and virtues. Here is where I hope to share with you the valuable lessons I learn-lessons that can be applied to our daily lives. If we so allow, many of these women will inspire us to greater faith and a closer relationship with God.

                If you attended Bible classes as a child, chances are you remember studying about Noah and the ark. I’m sure you could recite the story, but what if I asked about Noah’s wife? Could you tell me anything about her? We really aren’t given very much information about Mrs. Noah. In fact, her first name is never even mentioned. Is there really that much that we can learn about a woman whose name is not even recorded? I love my role as a wife. I feel incredibly blessed to fill the role of helpmeet, but I doubt I would be too pleased to read an account of my husband’s life where my name is never acknowledged. I don’t want loads of praise for doing what is expected, or even for going above and beyond in some cases, but who doesn’t like a pat on the back for a job well done? Credit where credit is due, right? Wrong. Clearly, I needed very little information to learn a very big lesson here. Mrs. Noah was a preacher’s wife. No doubt she became discouraged along side Noah, yet she continued to stand by her husband’s side as he did the will of God. She stood by him while his preaching was only well received by her, their sons and daughters-in-law. She was without doubt a crucial part of her sons’ decision to remain faithful and an influence for good in the lives of their wives. Although the Bible holds a great deal of instruction directed to fathers regarding child rearing, the mother is usually responsible for the spiritual direction they take. In 1 Timothy 5:14, women are commanded to “guide the house” which is a reference to the fact that while men are the head of the house (Eph. 5:23-25), his absence from the house so much of the time places the weight of the actual child rearing on the mother’s shoulders. Although family ties can be overcome, as evidenced by Noah’s daughters-in-law, it is no easy task. The recorded faithfulness of Noah’s family speaks volumes of Mrs. Noah-even without her first name.

Colley, Cindy. Women of the Genesis. Huntsville: Publishing Designs Inc., 2005. 
Duncan, Bobby. Fair To Look On. Huntsville: Publishing Designs Inc., 2001.

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