Monday, August 25, 2014

Mentionworthy Monday

Safe Complaints - Extremely thankful for this reminder that no matter how we might rename or attempt to justify complaining, it does not change God's command regarding it and it is just that-complaining.

What I Learned When I Quit Facebook - I haven't completely quit Facebook, but I have scaled back a bit and because I was never a huge Facebook advocate, this leaves my presence there scarce to say the least...and you know what? I haven't missed it. Don't get me wrong there are things that I enjoy about Facebook but I also enjoy not feeling like I NEED to check it. Technology is great until we get so caught up in it that we're doing more internet browsing than verbally communicating. Sometimes we need to take a step back and reevaluate where we are-we need to make sure these modern conveniences are truly that and not our masters. Incidentally, here's another article for you about that particular problem...A Disconnected Connected Society.

How To Have A Real Conversation - In line with the above links, Kathy Pollard shares a reminder on what a REAL conversation should consist of.

With it being Monday this seemed especially appropriate... 

I know you have seen the videos of buckets filled with ice water being dumped over the heads of willing participants. You may have even been one such participant; either way I have little doubt your news feeds aren't filled with these. And on a side-note: I understand this is all in support of a good cause. I am a little fuzzy as to how opting to have a bucket of freezing contents poured on your head rather than donating to the cause is actually helpful. Feel free to clear me up on that, but in the meantime think on these wise words.

"Amazing how many jump at the chance to be doused with ice cold water on behalf of a good cause but balk at being baptized in warm water for an even better cause."
-Barry Grider

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